Arm Wrestling Arm Break and Arm Break Position Explained

Arm wrestling is one of those few sports where despite feeling a lot of pain in your hands, you still love the feeling of getting stronger than before. Unfortunately, this does not always lead to more strength and can sometimes prove to be dangerous instead.

Sometimes, this can lead to devastating arm breaks which may ruin your ability to compete again or get back your strength like before. There are countless such instances where due to the wrong arm position, people including professional arm wrestlers break their arms just to find themselves in the hospital.

If you want to avoid this, then look no further, because we have the ultimate guide to arm wrestling arm breaks and the arm break position. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about these techniques, from how to execute them effectively to the potential risks involved.

How does Arm Break Happen?

Arm movement

Arm break happens due to the wrong positioning of the hand. It’s because our hand is designed to move in a certain way and if you go against this original movement, your arm is bound to break. Even as little as 15 pounds of force may break your hand and snap it in half considering you are an average guy and enter into an arm break position.

Our forearms and upper arms are designed in a way that they can only open and close in one direction. Arm Wrestling, on the other hand, involves pinning your opponent’s hand while his forearm and upper arm are almost at a 90-degree angle. This forces his hand to follow a movement that is not at all natural.

This is why arm wrestlers are supposed to pull and not push. Pushing your opponent’s hand will only put pressure on his bones which are prone to break easily. Pulling, on the other hand, will open his arm and still pin your opponent.

Arm Break Positions and Avoiding Them

arm wrestling broken arm position

There are a couple of arm break positions but they generally revolve around the same area. Most of the time it’s your humorous bone inside your upper bone that gets broken when the pressure is applied. In certain cases, forearm bones or even wrists can also suffer pretty badly.

One of the most common arm break positions is when you keep your elbow out of your shoulder which not only increases elbow pain but also causes your arm to break. It’s advised that you always keep your elbow inside your shoulder and near your chest/torso. This will decrease the pressure applied to your humorous bone and your arm or your opponent’s arm can be pinned without any pain.

The next thing to avoid is taking your eyes off your arms. When you look another way while you exert all of your power into your arm, it’s obvious that you are entering into an arm break position where your body rotates to the opposite side while your arm is going in the opposite direction.

Another important step to avoid arm break is to keep your shoulders squared. Arm wrestling tables come with a grip that arm wrestlers are supposed to grab with another hand in order to maintain a neutral position. This grip not only allows you to apply 100% of your pressure but also allows you to keep away from the arm break position.

The last and one of the most crucial things to remember is to keep your body engaged while you arm wrestle. Whenever you pin your opponent’s hand, make sure that your body also follows your hand and when you are losing, make sure you keep your body in alignment with your losing hand. This will eliminate any kind of painful pressure from your hand.

Why do you Need to be Careful?

Arm break 1

But, as with any high-stakes maneuver, there are risks involved. Arm wrestling arm breaks can lead to serious injuries if not done with caution. The immense pressure on the elbow joint can cause it to hyperextend, resulting in pain, dislocation, or even a fracture. That’s why it’s crucial to approach these techniques with respect and care. Always listen to your body and your opponent’s signals, and never push things too far.

So, how can you stay safe while still using these powerful techniques? One important aspect is proper warm-up and stretching. By loosening up your muscles and joints, you reduce the risk of injury during an intense arm wrestling match. Additionally, learning proper techniques from experienced arm wrestlers can provide valuable insights and minimize the chances of accidents. Remember, safety should always be your top priority.

Final Words

As we wrap up our exploration of arm wrestling arm breaks and the arm break position, it’s important to remember that safety and respect should always guide your actions. These techniques should be used responsibly, with the well-being of both yourself and your opponent in mind. Arm wrestling is a thrilling sport that showcases strength and skill, so let’s continue to enjoy it while keeping everyone safe.


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