Can Arm Wrestling Cause Elbow Pain?

Arm wrestling is a popular physical activity that has become a competitive sport recently. Many people do not realize, however, that this activity can actually cause elbow pain and other long-term health concerns; especially if you don’t use proper form.

In this post, we are looking at the possible problems you may face with your elbow if you arm wrestle regularly followed by the prevention steps.

Elbow Pain when Arm Wrestling

arm wrestling Deven vs Michael

Normally arm wrestling causes mild pain in the elbow joint but it can become severe if not paid attention. It happens mostly when you apply too much side pressure which is also one of the reasons why some arm wrestlers break their arms.

The tension from arm wrestling increases the torque on the elbow joint which may cause immense pain. This can cause both long-term and short-term damage to the elbow joint, resulting in stress on the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In severe cases, this can lead to permanent elbow damage.

Even the most experienced arm wrestlers are not immune to elbow pain due to the strain of engaging in this activity. If you are not careful, you may over-extend your arm in an attempt to win and cause serious damage to your elbow joint. It is important to take necessary safety precautions to ensure your arm and your elbow, are protected.

How to Prevent Elbow Pain?

One of the best ways to prevent elbow pain while arm wrestling is to warm up before participating. This can help to prevent strains and keep the tension on the elbow joint to a minimum.

Additionally, use the proper arm wrestling technique, such as the ‘Hook’ instead of relying on your side pressure. This involves using a hooking motion with your wrist in an effort to reduce excessive tension on the elbow joint. Not only this will prevent pain but also develop your muscles such as the biceps.

Not only is proper technique important, but so is mental focus and concentration. When you are fully focused and concentrated on the task at hand, it helps to control the tension that is placed on the elbow. Keeping calm and avoiding any rapid, vigorous motions can help to reduce the risk of elbow injury.

Other things you can do to Reduce Pain

protective wrist guards

Another thing to do is to wear protective wrist guards to help brace your wrists and reduce the strain on your elbow joint. This extra support will ensure your arm remains stable and protected throughout the entire arm wrestling session.

It is important to listen to your body. If you feel any pain or discomfort during the activity, it is best to take a break and rest for a moment.

In order to ensure optimum arm wrestling safety, invest in arm wrestling gloves. These gloves not only provide the necessary support for your arm, but they also provide superior grip and grip comfort. This is beneficial for protecting your elbow from excessive tension and pain.

Also, condition your arms for the activity as arm wrestling is a strenuous activity and your arms need to be able to handle the stress. Simple alternatives such as push-ups and light weightlifting can help develop the necessary muscles for arm wrestling, reducing the risk of putting too much strain on your elbow joint.

In order to ensure the health of your elbows, it is important to be mindful of how much ‘torque’ is put on the joint. Be sure to keep your back straight with your shoulder, elbow, and wrist aligned throughout the entire activity. Engaging in regular stretching exercises can help loosen stiff muscles and keep your body more relaxed, reducing the stress on your elbow joint.

Proper Technique and Warmup

arm wrestling hook

When it comes to enjoying arm wrestling without experiencing elbow pain, prevention is key. Maintaining the proper technique and form is essential. Everyone should also wear protective wrist guards to guard against any joint hyperextensions.

It is also important to warm up before engaging in arm wrestling. Doing simple activities such as push-ups or light weightlifting can help to condition your arms, enabling them to better withstand the stress of this activity. Be sure to listen to your body and take regular breaks and rest when necessary.

Finally, investing in arm wrestling gloves can also be a good way to keep injury away even though not allowed in tournaments, and should be avoided if you want to strengthen your grip.

Final Words

Arm wrestling can be immensely fun and rewarding when done properly but if you’re not careful, it can also lead to elbow pain. This is why it is important to understand the risks associated with arm wrestling and take every precaution possible to prevent elbow pain and damage.


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