Arm Wrestlers with Big Hands and How to Deal with Big Hands?

One of the greatest advantages arm wrestlers can have is through bigger hands. The bigger, the better. It makes their opponent feel difficulty wrapping their fingers and thumb properly resulting in a significant reduction in power.

While majority of the professional arm wrestlers have big hands, there are certain individuals who have inhuman hands and fingers that are out of this world.

In this article, we will list out arm wrestlers with the biggest hands in the arm wrestling world and how you can overcome the challenge of facing opponents with big hands and develop bigger hands yourself.

Arm Wrestlers with the Biggest Hands

Jeff Dabe

jeff dabe arm size

Jeff Dabe AKA Popeye from America currently holds the title for the biggest hands not only in the arm wrestling industry but in the whole world. His hands are so gigantic that anything he grabs gets hidden. His forearm alone measures 20 inches in circumference and his hand is unlikely human.

Levan Saginashivili

levan saginashvili

Levan “Too Strong” Saginashivili from Georgia not only holds the title for the World’s strongest arm wrestler but has incredibly huge hands which his opponents describe as “Uncomfortable”. Professional arm wrestlers have a hard time grabbing his hand properly as his hand is so thick that his opponents’ fingers can’t reach at the back of his fist properly.

Denis Cyplenkov

Denis Cyplenkov Hands

Denis Cyplenkov also known as Hulk by many hails from Russia and dominated the sport for a decade. His hands are almost as big as Levan’s but have even thicker fingers. Each of his finger is almost four times bigger compared to an average human. He can easily break walnuts with his index finger and thumb.

Facing Opponents with Big Hands

Let’s start by acknowledging the frustration that arises when facing someone with larger hands. It’s natural to feel disadvantaged and demoralized but remember, arm wrestling is not solely about hand size. It’s about technique, strategy, and mental strength. So, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into the world of arm wrestling.

To begin, it’s essential to understand that arm wrestling is a full-body sport. It’s not just about the grip or hand size alone. In fact, having big hands can sometimes be a hindrance as they tend to tire more quickly. So, instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on honing your technique and building overall strength.

One technique that can level the playing field against opponents with big hands is utilizing leverage. By positioning your body at an advantageous angle, you can maximize your strength and neutralize your opponent’s hand size advantage. Remember, it’s not about brute force; it’s about using your body as a powerful tool.

To add to your arsenal, consider incorporating grip strength exercises into your training routine. These exercises not only enhance your overall arm wrestling ability but also specifically target the muscles necessary for a powerful grip. By consistently working on your grip strength, you will be able to counter your opponent’s advantage, regardless of their hand size.

But technique and training aside, arm wrestling is also a mental game. It’s about psyching yourself up, visualizing success, and maintaining focus. While facing someone with big hands can be intimidating, remember that confidence and mental resilience are key to overcoming any challenge.

How to Pin Opponents with Bigger Hands?

Now that we’ve covered general tips for arm wrestling, let’s dig deeper into specific strategies for battling opponents with big hands. One highly effective technique is the top roll. In this technique, you leverage your forearm and wrist strength to control your opponent’s hand and expose their weakness. By focusing on outmaneuvering them rather than overpowering them, you can turn their hand-size advantage into a disadvantage.

Another strategy is to initiate a hook. This technique involves engaging your bicep strength and pulling your opponent’s hand towards your body. By doing so, you can neutralize their hand size advantage and effectively engage your entire arm in the battle.

In addition to these techniques, it’s crucial to understand that arm wrestling is a constantly evolving sport. To stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to watch professional matches, learn from successful arm wrestlers, and stay updated on new techniques. Use the resources available to you, such as online forums and arm wrestling communities, to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Related: Are longer arms better for arm wrestling?

Final Words

Remember, size does not always equate to strength. While your opponent may have big hands, they might have other weaknesses that you can exploit. Pay attention to their grip technique, their stance, and their overall body mechanics. By studying your opponent’s weaknesses, you can strategize and adjust your approach accordingly.


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