How to Sleep with Tricep Tendonitis

How to Sleep with Tricep Tendonitis

Welcome to our magazine-style blog post on how to sleep with tricep tendonitis! If you’re one of the many people suffering from this painful condition, you know how difficult it can be to find a comfortable position at night.​ But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.​ In this article, we’ll share some practical tips and … Read more

Best Triceps Tendonitis Exercises for Reducing Pain

Tricep stretching

Do you suffer from pain and discomfort in your elbows? Is it difficult for you to perform everyday tasks because of the nagging pain in your triceps? If so, you may be suffering from triceps tendonitis.​ But don’t worry, there are plenty of exercises that can help alleviate your pain and strengthen your triceps.​ In … Read more

Exercises to Avoid with Tricep Tendonitis

Tricep Tendonitis

Welcome back to our fitness blog! Today, we’re diving into the topic of tricep tendonitis and the exercises that you should avoid if you’re dealing with this pesky condition.​ Tricep tendonitis is a painful inflammation of the tendons that connect the tricep muscles to the elbow. ​ It can be caused by overuse, improper technique, … Read more

Can a Torn Bicep Heal on its own?

Torn Bicep

Have you recently suffered from a torn bicep or particularly the long head bicep tear? It can be a painful and frustrating experience, but the good news is that your body has an incredible ability to heal itself.​ In many cases, a torn bicep can indeed heal on its own without the need for surgery … Read more

Bicep Tendon Tear at Elbow: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Bicep Tendon Tear at Elbow

Have you ever experienced a sharp, shooting pain in your elbow while performing overhead activities or lifting heavy objects? This could be a sign of a bicep tendon tear at the elbow.​ This injury can be both painful and debilitating, affecting your ability to perform everyday tasks and enjoy your favorite activities.​ But fear not, … Read more

Long Head Bicep Tendon Tear at Shoulder: Causes Symptoms and Treatments

Long head bicep tear at shoulder

Are you experiencing shoulder pain and wondering what might be causing it? One possible cause could be a long head bicep tendon tear at the shoulder.​ This type of injury can be debilitating and affect your daily activities.​ In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of a long-head bicep tendon tear, … Read more

Long Head Bicep Tear: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Long Head Bicep Tear

A long head bicep tear is a challenging injury that can significantly impact an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks, particularly those involving the upper body. This injury occurs when the long head of the biceps brachii muscle, which runs from the shoulder to the elbow, is partially or completely torn. Whether from overuse, a … Read more

Brachialis Pain Exercises and Treatment

Dumbbell brachialis muscles

Arm wrestling can be an exhilarating and intense sport, showcasing strength and power. Similarly,  exercises such as Bench Press can also exert a lot of pressure on your arms. However, it can also lead to a common problem known as brachialis pain.​ Brachialis pain is a discomfort in the muscle located between the biceps and … Read more

Resistance Band Exercises for Shoulder Pain?

Resistance Band Exercises for shoulder

Are you tired of dealing with shoulder pain on a daily basis? Does it prevent you from enjoying your favorite activities or getting a good night’s sleep? If so, you’re not alone.​ Many people suffer from chronic shoulder pain, whether it’s due to an injury, overuse, or simply the wear and tear of everyday life … Read more