Brachialis Pain Exercises and Treatment

Arm wrestling can be an exhilarating and intense sport, showcasing strength and power. Similarly,  exercises such as Bench Press can also exert a lot of pressure on your arms. However, it can also lead to a common problem known as brachialis pain.​

Brachialis pain is a discomfort in the muscle located between the biceps and triceps, which can greatly affect arm wrestling, bench press, and other weight-lifting movements.​ In this article, we will explore the causes of brachialis pain after arm wrestling or bench press and provide tips on how to prevent and alleviate it, allowing you to continue enjoying this thrilling activity.​

Causes of Brachialis Pain in Arm Wrestling

arm wrestling with strap

One of the main reasons people experience brachialis pain after arm wrestling is overuse and strain on the muscle.​ When engaged in an arm wrestling match, the brachialis muscle is repeatedly contracted and stretched in movements like the Top roll where a lot of break pressure is involved, leading to micro-tears in the muscle fibers.​ These tears can cause inflammation and pain, especially when the muscle is not given enough time to recover properly.​

Another common cause of brachialis pain is improper technique during arm wrestling.​ Engaging in arm wrestling without using the proper form or relying solely on brute force can put excessive stress on the brachialis muscle, leading to pain and potential injuries.​ It is crucial to learn and implement proper arm wrestling techniques to avoid unnecessary strain on this muscle.​

Causes of Brachialis Pain in Bench Press

bench press

There are several factors that can contribute to brachialis pain during bench press.​ One common cause is improper form and technique.​ If you’re not using the correct form while performing the exercise, it can put unnecessary stress on the brachialis muscle and lead to pain.​ Another cause could be overloading the weights.​ If you’re lifting more weight than your brachialis can handle, it can cause strain and discomfort.​ Additionally, a lack of proper warm-up and stretching exercises can also contribute to this issue.​

Preventing Brachialis Pain

arms warmup

To prevent brachialis pain after arm wrestling, it is essential to prioritize proper warm-up and stretching exercises.​ Before engaging in any arm wrestling match, take the time to warm up your muscles with light cardio exercises and perform stretches that focus on the forearm and bicep areas.​ This will help to prepare your muscles for intense activity and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.​

Furthermore, maintaining a balanced and well-rounded training regimen can significantly reduce the likelihood of brachialis pain.​ By incorporating exercises that target all major muscle groups, including the brachialis, you can ensure that your muscles are strong and able to handle the demands of arm wrestling.​ Don’t neglect opposing muscle groups either, as imbalances can lead to added strain on the brachialis muscle.​

Similarly, to prevent brachialis pain during bench press, it’s important to focus on proper form and technique.​ Start by ensuring that your wrists are in a neutral position and your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.​ Avoid excessive grip width and use a grip that feels comfortable for you.​ Gradually increase the weight and always listen to your body.​ If you start feeling any pain or discomfort, make sure to stop and take a break.​ Incorporate warm-up exercises specifically targeting the brachialis muscle to prepare it for the stress of bench press.

Alleviating Brachialis Pain

If you are already experiencing brachialis pain after arm wrestling, there are several strategies you can employ to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.​ The first step is to rest and allow your muscles time to recover.​ Avoid engaging in any activities that may further strain the brachialis muscle, and prioritize restorative practices such as gentle stretching and foam rolling.​

Additionally, applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.​ Ice can be applied for 10-15 minutes at a time, multiple times throughout the day.​ If the pain persists or worsens, it is advisable to seek medical attention to rule out any further complications.​

Brachialis Pain Relieving Exercises

There are a couple of exercises you can do easily anywhere with the most basic tools readily available in your home. Performing each of these exercises will greatly reduce your brachialis pain.

1. Tennis Ball Exercise

Tennis ball exercise

Grab a Tennis ball and place it on the brachialis muscles while standing next to a wall making sure the ball doesn’t fall. Press your arm against the wall and now move or curl your arm like you do in bicep curls. As the Tennis ball is softer and easier to squeeze, it will give you a lot of relief from pain.

2. Physioball Exercise

Physioball Exercise

A Physioball is harder but works even better. Essentially repeat the same exercise as you did with the Tennis ball and do some repetitions.

3. Using a Dumbell

Dumbbell brachialis muscles

A dumbbell has even movement and it’s recommended to use a lightweight dumbbell that has no big added weights to the side. This is in order to put your arm on it without any restriction. Now place the dumbbell between your arm and a bench and curl your arm up. You can also move your body upwards and downwards in order to release the brachialis muscles.

Recovering From Brachialis Pain

Once you’ve addressed the brachialis pain and allowed your muscles to heal, it’s crucial to ease back into bench press exercises.​ Start with lighter weights and gradually increase them as your brachialis muscle gets stronger.​ Focus on maintaining proper form and technique throughout the exercise.​ Remember to listen to your body and take breaks if necessary.​ With time and patience, you’ll be able to regain your strength and continue your bench press routine pain-free.​


Brachialis pain after arm wrestling can be an unfortunate side effect of this thrilling sport.​ However, by understanding the causes of this discomfort and taking proactive measures to prevent and alleviate it, you can continue engaging in arm wrestling without the fear of pain or injuries.​ Remember to prioritize proper warm-up, technique, and overall muscle balance to keep your brachialis happy and healthy.​ Happy arm wrestling!


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