7 Great Board Press Benefits

Board Press is a simple yet effective exercise that has a multitude of benefits that can help you build strength, increase muscle mass, and improve your overall lifting performance.​

Today, we’re about to embark on a journey into the world of weightlifting, where we’ll uncover the hidden treasures of strength training. Our focus? The intriguing and often underappreciated subject of “The Benefits of Board Press.”

In this article, we will explore the various benefits of the board press and why it should be a staple in your workout routine.​

The Benefits of Board Press

Board Press benefits
Credit- soypowerlifter.com

Whether you’re looking to build raw strength, perfect your bench press form, or protect those precious shoulders from harm’s way, the board press has got you covered. It’s like having a personal trainer and a bodyguard rolled into one, all with the simple addition of a wooden board.

So, let’s roll up those sleeves and explore the wealth of benefits that make the board press an indispensable tool in any serious lifter’s arsenal.

1.​ Stronger Lockout

The board press is a great exercise for improving your lockout strength.​ By limiting the range of motion, you can focus on the top portion of the bench press where many lifters struggle to complete the lift.​ This will help you build stronger triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles, which are crucial for a powerful lockout.​

2.​ Increased Overload

One of the main benefits of the board press is the ability to handle heavier weights.​ By reducing the range of motion, you can add more weight to the bar without compromising form or risking injury.​ This increased overload will help you build greater strength and muscle mass over time.​

3.​ Enhanced Mind-Muscle Connection

The board press allows you to isolate and target specific muscle groups, such as the triceps and chest.​ By focusing on these muscles and performing the exercise with proper form and technique, you can develop a stronger mind-muscle connection.​ This increased awareness will improve your lifting form and maximize muscle activation.​

4.​ Injury Prevention

The board press is a versatile exercise that can be used to work around injuries or limitations.​ By adjusting the number of boards used, you can customize the range of motion to fit your individual needs.​ This makes it an ideal exercise for those recovering from shoulder or chest injuries, as well as for lifters with mobility issues.​

5.​ Specificity for Powerlifting

If you are a powerlifter or aspiring to be one, the board press is a must-have in your training arsenal.​ It mimics the bench press movement pattern and allows you to work on your sticking points or weak areas.​ By addressing these weaknesses, you can improve your overall bench press performance and increase your total at competitions.​

6.​ Plateau Buster

Are you stuck in a bench press plateau? The board press can help you bust through that plateau and continue making progress.​ By introducing a new stimulus and challenging your muscles in a different way, you can overcome plateaus and keep gaining strength and muscle mass.​

7.​ Mental Toughness

Last but not least, the board press is a mentally challenging exercise.​ It requires focus, determination, and perseverance to push through a heavyweight with a limited range of motion.​ By regularly incorporating the board press into your training routine, you can develop mental toughness and improve your overall mindset when it comes to lifting weights.​

Board Press Variations

board press variations
Credit- powerliftingtechnique.com

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of the board press, let’s explore some variations that you can incorporate into your training.​

1.​ Board Press with Bands

By adding resistance bands to the board press, you can increase the difficulty and stimulate more muscle fibers.​ The bands provide accommodating resistance, making the exercise more challenging at the top portion of the lift.​ This variation is great for building explosive power and improving lockout strength.​

2.​ Board Press with Chains

Similar to the board press with bands, the board press with chains adds accommodating resistance to the exercise.​ As you press the weight up, the chains gradually lift off the ground and add more weight to the bar.​ This variation helps improve strength, stability, and explosiveness throughout the bench press movement.​

3.​ Reverse Band Board Press

In this variation, you attach the resistance bands to the top of the power rack and loop them around the barbell.​ As you lower the weight, the bands assist you by reducing the load.​ This variation is ideal for those recovering from injuries or looking to reduce joint stress while still working on their bench press strength.​

4.​ Close-Grip Board Press

The close-grip board press involves using a narrower grip on the barbell, targeting the triceps and inner chest muscles.​ By reducing the grip width, you increase the triceps’ involvement in the exercise, which can help improve your bench press lockout and overall pressing strength.​

Frequently Asked Questions

What is board pressing, and how does it differ from regular bench pressing?

Board pressing is a weightlifting technique that involves placing wooden boards on your chest during bench press exercises. These boards limit the range of motion and allow you to work on specific portions of the bench press. Unlike regular bench pressing, where you touch the bar to your chest, board pressing offers targeted benefits for strength and technique.

What are the primary benefits of incorporating board press into my workout routine?

Board pressing offers several benefits, including improving your bench press strength, targeting specific sticking points in the lift, reducing the risk of shoulder injuries, and enhancing overall bench press technique. It’s a versatile tool that can help you break through plateaus and build a stronger and safer bench press.

How do I choose the right board thickness for my training needs?

The choice of board thickness depends on your goals and current strength level. Thicker boards (e.g., 2-4 inches) limit the range of motion more and are suitable for those looking to target specific sticking points. Thinner boards (e.g., 1 inch) are ideal for refining technique and reducing shoulder strain. It’s advisable to start with thinner boards if you’re new to board pressing and gradually progress to thicker ones as you gain confidence and strength.

Can board pressing help me overcome a plateau in my bench press strength?

Absolutely! One of the key benefits of board pressing is its ability to address sticking points in your bench press. By focusing on the range of motion where you struggle the most, you can break through plateaus and make consistent strength gains. It’s like having a tailor-made solution to push through those challenging moments in your lifts.

Is board pressing suitable for beginners, or is it more for advanced lifters?

Board pressing is suitable for lifters of all levels, from beginners to advanced. For beginners, it provides a safe and controlled way to learn proper bench press form and build a foundation of strength. Advanced lifters can use board pressing to fine-tune their technique and target specific weaknesses. The versatility of board pressing makes it a valuable tool for everyone in the weightlifting game.


The board press is a highly effective strength training exercise that offers numerous benefits to lifters of all levels.​ Whether you are an experienced powerlifter or a beginner looking to build muscle mass, the board press can help you achieve your goals.​

From improving lockout strength to preventing injuries and busting through plateaus, the board press has it all.​ So why not give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself? Your muscles will thank you!


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