9 Great Benefits of Push Ups Hold

Tired of the same old push-ups? Looking for a way to spice up your workout routine and achieve incredible results? Look no further than the push-up hold.​

This simple yet powerful exercise will not only challenge your body in new ways, but it will also provide a multitude of benefits that will leave you feeling stronger, fitter, and more confident than ever before.​

So why should you start incorporating the push-up hold into your fitness regimen? Let’s dive in and explore the impressive benefits of this underrated exercise.​

1.​ Sculpt and Strengthen Your Upper Body

Kunckle push ups and arthritis

The push-up hold puts your upper body to the test, specifically targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.​ By holding your body in the up position of a push-up, you’re engaging these muscles in a static contraction, building strength and definition like never before.​ Say goodbye to flabby arms and hello to toned, sculpted muscles.​

2.​ Improve Core Stability

Speaking of core muscles, the push-up hold is an excellent way to challenge and strengthen your midsection.​ As you hold your body in a plank position, your abs, obliques, and lower back muscles are forced to work together to keep your body stable.​ This not only helps improve your posture and balance but also enhances your overall athletic performance.​

3.​ Boost Your Metabolism

If you’re looking to burn more calories and shed some unwanted pounds, the push-up hold is your secret weapon.​ This exercise activates multiple muscle groups at once, increasing your heart rate and boosting your metabolism.​ The result? A more efficient calorie burn during and after your workout, helping you achieve your weight loss goals faster.​

4.​ Enhance Shoulder Stability

Close Grip Push-Ups

In addition to toning your upper body, the push-up hold also strengthens the muscles of your shoulders.​ By challenging your deltoids through a static contraction, you’ll improve shoulder stability and reduce the risk of injuries.​ Whether you’re an athlete or just looking to improve your overall fitness, this exercise is a must-try.​

5.​ Develop Mental Resilience

The push-up hold is not just a physical challenge; it’s a mental one as well.​ Holding your body in a static position requires mental focus, discipline, and perseverance.​ As you push through the discomfort and fight the urge to quit, you’ll develop mental resilience that will transfer to other areas of your life.​ The push-up hold is not just about building a stronger body; it’s about building a stronger mind too.​

6.​ Increase Functional Strength

Functional strength is the ability to perform everyday tasks with ease and efficiency.​ Whether you’re picking up groceries, playing with your kids, or lifting heavy objects, the push-up hold can help improve your overall functional strength.​ By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, this exercise trains your body to work as a unit, making everyday activities feel effortless.​

7.​ Fits Into Any Fitness Routine

One of the best things about the push-up hold is its versatility.​ Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast, this exercise can be modified to suit your fitness level.​ You can start with a shorter hold time or perform the exercise on your knees to make it easier.​

As you become stronger and more comfortable, you can increase the hold time and progress to a full push-up hold.​ Plus, you can easily incorporate the push-up hold into your existing workout routine or do it as a standalone exercise.​

8. Improved posture

You know that feeling when you’ve been slouching for hours, and your back’s all achy? Push-up holds can help fix that. They make your body work on keeping a straight line from your head down to your heels. So, it’s like a little reminder to stand up tall, even when you’re not doing push-ups.

9. Greater wrist stability

Ever had those wrist twinges or discomfort during push-ups? Push-up holds can sort that out too. They give your wrists a break from bending in awkward ways. It’s like a wrist support system. So, you can focus on your push-ups without worrying about your wrists acting up. Your wrists will appreciate the extra stability!

Related: 10 Benefits of Push Up Bars

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I hold a push-up position to benefit from it?

The ideal duration for a push-up hold varies based on your fitness level and goals. Beginners might start with 10-15 seconds and gradually increase, while more advanced individuals can aim for 30 seconds or more.

Do push-up holds mainly work the chest and arms like regular push-ups?

While push-up holds do engage the chest and arms, they also focus on building core strength and stability. So, they provide a more comprehensive workout, targeting multiple muscle groups.

Can push-up holds be challenging for beginners, and is it safe for them to try?

Push-up holds can be challenging, but they are safe for beginners when done with proper form. It’s important to start with shorter holds and gradually progress to longer durations as your strength and stability improve.

Should I incorporate push-up holds into my daily workout routine, or is there a recommended frequency?

The frequency of push-up holds depends on your fitness goals and overall workout plan. You can include them a few times a week to complement your existing routine, but it’s essential to give your muscles time to recover.

Are there any variations or modifications for push-up holds for those with wrist issues or injuries?

If you have wrist issues, you can try using push-up handles or bars to reduce wrist strain. Additionally, performing push-up holds on your fists or using knuckle push-ups can be alternatives to protect your wrists while still benefiting from the exercise. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about specific injuries.


Armed with the knowledge of the incredible benefits of the push-up hold, it’s time to start incorporating this exercise into your fitness regimen.​ Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, the push-up hold is a game-changer.​

It will sculpt and strengthen your upper body, improve your core stability, boost your metabolism, enhance shoulder stability, develop mental resilience, increase functional strength, and fit into any fitness routine.​


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