What is an Arm Wrestling Top-Roll and how to do it?

Are you tired of losing arm wrestling matches? Do you want to dominate your opponents and show off your strength?

Look no further! In this article, we will explore the technique known as the arm wrestling top roll. This technique is widely practiced more than a traditional hook at the highest levels of arm wrestling.

You will see many famous arm wrestlers perform this technique that made them the world champions multiple times. By mastering this move, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better arm wrestler but let’s understand its fundamentals.

What is a Top-Roll?

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The top roll is a technique that involves pulling your opponent towards yourself from the outside to gain an advantage over your opponent. Instead of relying solely on brute strength, the top roll allows you to use your opponent’s power against them. By manipulating their wrist and hand position, you can redirect their force and take control of the match.

It generally requires you to pull your opponent’s hand through your hand riser and apply back pressure with the help of your brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps, and back muscles. At the same time, a good top-roll involves taking your opponent’s hand through cupping.

How to do a Top-Roll?

John vs Zoloev

To execute the top roll, start by gripping your opponent’s hand with a tight grip with your knuckles facing upwards. Imagine that you are trying to crush their hand with your own. This will give you a firm foundation to work from. Next, focus on keeping your wrist straight and aligned with your forearm. This will ensure that you have maximum leverage and control over your opponent’s arm.

Once you have a solid grip and a straight wrist, it’s time to start applying back pressure. Begin to rotate your opponent’s hand towards their pinky finger. Imagine that you are trying to turn a doorknob in that direction. This movement will put a strain on your opponent’s wrist and force them to either resist or give in to your power.

As you continue to apply pressure, remember to stay active and engaged. Keep your body position strong and lean into your opponent. This will help you maintain control and prevent them from gaining any ground. Remember, the goal is to keep them on the defensive and force them to react to your moves.

Make sure you also do cupping to not let your opponent control your pronation. This will give you full control to his hand and you can take him straight to the pin pad. Also, remember that as you go to the pin pad, move your body sideways along with your hand to prevent any injuries.

Advantages of a Top-Roll

Lachlan vs Irakli

One of the key advantages of the top roll technique is that it allows you to neutralize your opponent’s strength. By taking control of their hand, you can weaken their grip and increase your chances of winning. This technique is particularly effective against opponents who rely heavily on brute strength, as it forces them to work against themselves.

In addition to its effectiveness in matches, the arm wrestling top roll can also be a great way to build strength and endurance. By consistently practicing this technique, you’ll not only improve your arm wrestling skills but also develop strong forearms and wrists. These muscles are essential for many other sports and activities, making the top roll a valuable tool in your training arsenal.

Top-Roll is also very effective against hook players as they have to rely on their finger strength to stop your back pressure which can be quite difficult if you have more strength. Top-Rollis particularly beneficial if you have a longer arm where you can gain more height on your opponent’s hand.

Related: Top-Roll vs Hook

Common Mistakes to Avoid

long arms
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Now that you have a solid understanding of the arm wrestling top roll, let’s explore some common mistakes that people make when trying to execute this technique. Avoiding these pitfalls will help you improve your chances of success and ensure that you are using the top roll to its full potential.

One common mistake is not having a strong enough grip. Without a tight grip, you will struggle to control your opponent’s hand and wrist, making it difficult to execute the top roll effectively. Make sure to practice strengthening your grip regularly, using exercises like grip squeezes, arm wrestling-specific exercises and farmer’s walks.

Another mistake to avoid is allowing your wrist to bend backward during the top roll. A bent wrist reduces your leverage and weakens your control over your opponent’s arm. Keep your wrist straight and aligned with your forearm initially followed by cupping when the referee says Go. Focus on rotating your opponent’s hand towards his pinky finger as you pull your arm back.

A third mistake is relying solely on the top roll without considering other techniques. While the top roll can be highly effective, it’s important to have a well-rounded arsenal of moves to keep your opponents guessing. Incorporate different techniques into your training and matches to keep your opponents on their toes.

One common misconception is that the arm wrestling top roll is only for experienced arm wrestlers. This is simply not true! While mastering the top roll takes time and practice, anyone can learn this technique with dedication and focus. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results – keep refining your technique and stay persistent.

Make sure you keep training your top-roll technique through various exercises and regularly practicing on the table.

Final Words

The arm wrestling top roll is a powerful technique that can elevate your arm wrestling game to new heights. By mastering this move, you’ll not only improve your chances of winning matches but also develop strength, endurance, and adaptability.

Remember to avoid common mistakes, stay persistent in your training, and enjoy the journey of becoming an arm wrestling champion.


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